17th-18th C Reliquaire , Gold Leaf , Silver Filigree , Bejeweled Piece in which were stored the holy wafers for the Eucharist , or holy communion. This particular wooden , colored , marbled , gold leafed , filigreed & otherwise decorated example represents the great wealth of the owner , or royal personage, if it came from a private chapel , in a very grand house ( palace ) in France . Or , due to its size and opulance it may come from a church , Chapel that was sacked during the french revolution , as many were , but there were the faithful , and the royalists who kept them for that rainy day that did eventually come in 1830. It is difficult to date accurately but ,we believe the 17th , early 18th C is precise , but it could be earlier. It shows some signs of age in various , unimportant ways , but is remarquable in its condition and the fact that it has all of the pieces . ( there are 4 ) , still ensemble since 320 years ago . It will need to be shipped by a pro. Shipper .Its in 4 pieces , total measure is 69 high , approx 38 wide and just under 30 deep. There will be a 2 week delay so we can get it from a/c storage out of state .